Friday, 14 October 2011

To Market, to market to buy a.....

Newport Boutique Market...

 I took the felt pincushion cakes to sell at '
The Sessions Market' in Newport yesterday evening...

 Yes, one or two people did come over to look, thinking I was selling home made food!

..and walked away again disappointed ...and still hungry. 

 Everyone commented on the beautiful bunting I used (which I brought from the herbie hen ), it really sets off  a tea party! take a look at the cupcake bunting... 

Strawberry key rings.. 

'Nibbs' the felt cat came to watch...


Anonymous said...

You are so so talented!

Sarah said...

10/10 for a beautiful mouthwatering stall! And I really do love Nibbs... :-)

Mrs Minton makes... said...

thanks! : )

Katie said...

These are sooo cute! And I love how you displayed them.

Linda Vincent said...

Fantastic display! Hope you did well....