Sunday, 9 October 2011

Needle felting

So, I've been trying my hand at needle felting.
 I ordered a needle felting kit and a few balls of fluffy merino top wool and spent the weekend trying not to impale my fingers!!

  I started with a simple cat I thought it would fairly easy,... it wasn't...

 My first efforts didn't quite turn out the way I'd hoped but they're ok for inital attempts. (Oh! and yes I wished I brought some finger guards before I started!)
Then, inspired by some of the blogs I follow (Robin Andreae and Barby Anderson),  I tried my hand at a wired creature... I was thinking along the lines of a cute 'Mr Mouse.'

freeze! the cat's around here somewhere!!!


Sadly, I ran out of white wool (I only had pink left) so he wasn't as fat (or cute) as I'd meant him to be.. 
So he's more of a 'Mr scary white lab rat does a bit of shopping'....

 Oh well time to order more wool and fatten him up....

"Thank you"said Mr rat trying not to look too odd.


Raggy Rat said...

but lab rats are also cute :-) xxxx

KerryFelter said...

Love your creatures! You get great definition out of them. I am not a great needle felter, so I am IMPRESSED!

Jensters said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving yr lovely comment.
I love your little animals and this is something I've always wanted to do!

Unknown said...

I love the cat so much what a character and such a cute mouse. Am I to understand this is a first for you? they are beautiful Dxx

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Adorable! You are great at felting already! Can't wait to see more creations! :)

Anonymous said...

They are fabulous!

Jester said...

Oh, they are both SO cute. Hope your fingers recover soon!

Linda Vincent said...

OMG they are so gorgeous!!! You are very clever....